Dec 20, 2021
After 18 months of caution, this holiday season finally offers many of us a chance to commune with family and connect with old friends. Yay? Nay?
How do we feel about the contact? The conversations?
A lot has changed since the last time we headed over the river and through the woods. Not least is a...
Dec 9, 2021
Check out our brand new podcast from The Creative Impostor Studios: Improve With Auntie!
It's a creative round table for your favorite aunts, aunties, ti-tis, tias... please pass it along or take a listen yourself.
Available now in Spotify:
Apple, Google, more apps coming soon...
Episode 1...
Oct 3, 2021
Episode 133. Beginner's mind. That place where you don't know anything, where there's simply a desire to do.
An inkling -- what a terrific word, inkling -- a slight knowledge or vague notion, it even implies curiosity.
It's a good place to be, with infinite possibility. It's like the beginning of a new relationship with...
Jun 15, 2021
While recording this episode, I wrote down the following equation:
Communication + boundaries = freedom to explore and play
So, yeah...we’re talking about sex as self-care with Karen Yates, somatic sex educator as well as creator and host of Wild & Sublime, the live show and podcast that delivers a sexy spin...
Jun 4, 2021
Can a conversation with a rebel influencer, recorded mid-pandemic, inspire us toward greater self-love and trust as we emerge from the COVID cocoon?
Jetty Nieuwenhuis (pronounced Yeti) is the rebel in question. It’s an appropriate modifier to a term that absolutely conjures images of well-connected content creators...